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Medicare and Travel Insurance: Planning for Safe Summer Traveling

Summer is almost here—and for many seniors, travel is on the schedule. Fun trips to the beach, family reunions, and restful days outdoors can fill your summer days with fun and laughter.  As much as we hope to avoid dealing with health issues while traveling, they can still arise. So [...]

July 1st, 2023|Senior Travel|

Medicare Service Gone Wrong? When and How to File a Complaint

We all wish the healthcare system was perfect. No one wants to deal with a doctor making the wrong recommendation, unpleasant or unsafe hospital conditions, the wrong prescription, or inappropriate treatment.  Unfortunately, the reality is that these issues do happen. And when they do, you may feel that letting someone [...]

June 1st, 2023|Senior Health Insurance|

Mindset Matters: Seniors With Positive Attitudes Live Better (and You Can Too)

You may have heard, nothing beats a positive attitude. Sure, this sounds cliché, but research shows there is actually some merit to the idea. A positive attitude can’t fix everything. But a sunny disposition can certainly impact your life. One Johns Hopkins study found that, from a group of participants [...]

June 1st, 2023|Senior Health & Wellness|

How Seniors Can Avoid Losing Coverage During Medicaid’s Unwinding Period

During the COVID-19 pandemic, health care was in an obvious crisis. In addition to healthcare workers navigating how to treat patients in overwhelmed hospitals and perform needed operations within the strictures of quarantine, many people found themselves without health insurance and access to care.  In response to the public health [...]

May 1st, 2023|Senior Health Insurance|