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5 Simple Reasons People Choose Chair Yoga for Exercise

  5 Simple Reasons Chair Yoga is the Ideal Exercise for Seniors Chair yoga is an increasingly popular form of exercise, especially among seniors. It offers a low-impact way to stay active, improve flexibility, and enhance balance, all while sitting in a chair. Whether you're dealing with mobility issues, recovering from an injury, or just [...]

2024-09-12T07:01:53-07:00September 12th, 2024|Senior Health & Wellness|Comments Off on 5 Simple Reasons People Choose Chair Yoga for Exercise

Why More Seniors are Taking Up Forest Bathing—and How You Can Too!

When you hear the term forest bathing, you probably conjure the image of a sun-dappled pool in the midst of towering trees with intrepid explorers discovering and bathing in these wilderness gems. Sounds divine, right? But, unfortunately, not very accessible for seniors!  Luckily, this practice requires neither a physical forest nor actual bathing. Much like the [...]

2023-03-21T15:46:40-07:00July 1st, 2022|Senior Health & Wellness|Comments Off on Why More Seniors are Taking Up Forest Bathing—and How You Can Too!

Glimmers: Stop Doomscrolling and Focus on the Positive

Stop Doomscrolling: Focus on Glimmers for a Healthier Mindset We all want to connect with the world and with each other. We all want to be informed. The problem is, when you can't stop doomscrolling, the daily news can make humanity seem more bad than good. Over the past few years, you’ve read quite a [...]

2024-10-22T10:27:46-07:00June 1st, 2022|Senior Health & Wellness|Comments Off on Glimmers: Stop Doomscrolling and Focus on the Positive

Virtual Reality at Your Fingertips: A Simple Guide to Inviting VR Into Your Life

In our previous posts on virtual reality (here and here), we explored the benefits of integrating VR into your life. Reduce anxiety, activate your memory, and check items off your bucket list right from home—the possibilities are endless! Senior living communities across the U.S. (and the globe) are enhancing their residents’ well-being with VR. A [...]

2023-09-10T12:56:11-07:00March 7th, 2022|Senior Health & Wellness, Senior Technology|Comments Off on Virtual Reality at Your Fingertips: A Simple Guide to Inviting VR Into Your Life

Yoga in Fiji? Hike the Grand Canyon? You Can Do it ALL Without Leaving Home

Last month, we shared with you news about the exciting new world of virtual reality (VR) and the numerous health benefits for seniors. But have you considered how VR positively impacts your well-being? Of course, there are many different ways you can use VR to improve your well-being. Whether you’re just having fun inside the [...]

2023-11-03T15:12:36-07:00January 25th, 2022|Senior Health & Wellness, Senior Technology|Comments Off on Yoga in Fiji? Hike the Grand Canyon? You Can Do it ALL Without Leaving Home

4 Ways Virtual Reality Can Improve Your Health and Well-Being After 60

How Virtual Reality is Transforming Experiences for Seniors What do you think of when you hear the words “virtual reality”? If it’s a vision of young people wearing headgear and wildly waving their arms around at nothing … well, you’re right. But virtual reality, VR for short, isn’t just for the youngsters anymore. Seniors are [...]

2024-10-21T13:18:20-07:00January 3rd, 2022|Senior Health & Wellness, Senior Technology|Comments Off on 4 Ways Virtual Reality Can Improve Your Health and Well-Being After 60

Getting Back to Senior Summer Fun (2023 UPDATE)

Summer 2023 is coming fast, and we’re ready for it! With COVID-19 (mostly) in retreat, mask mandates lifting, and life looking more normal than it has in a long time, now’s the time to get out and get active! We decided to update the fun summer activities for seniors for 2023.  Sixty-one percent of Americans [...]

2023-12-02T12:13:53-08:00July 26th, 2021|Senior Health & Wellness|Comments Off on Getting Back to Senior Summer Fun (2023 UPDATE)

Flaneuring: The Latest Trend in Walking

Whether you live in New York City, on a farm in Kansas or in a tiny town in California, walking was popular in 2020. For many of us, a walk was a safe way to enjoy the outdoors, pass the time and get some much-needed exercise.  A few people went above and beyond, though. They [...]

2023-12-02T12:14:38-08:00June 21st, 2021|Senior Health & Wellness|Comments Off on Flaneuring: The Latest Trend in Walking

5 Fun At-Home Workout Routines for Older Adults

Did you know a sedentary lifestyle is one of the top ten causes of death worldwide? But did you also know that by adding just a small amount of exercise to your routine—like walking or swimming—you can extend your life by three to five years? Exercise is not just a crucial component to living longer, [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:14-08:00May 12th, 2020|Fitness|Comments Off on 5 Fun At-Home Workout Routines for Older Adults

5 Simple Tips for Staying Healthy over the Holidays

  Stay Healthy Over the Holidays: Top 5 Tips for Seniors Staying healthy over the holidays can be a challenge. Whether flying to see your grandchildren on another coast or filling your calendar with end-of-year events, these schedule changes can throw you off your game. Here’s a handy, stay-healthy checklist Think of it as a [...]

2024-08-22T11:11:48-07:00December 12th, 2018|Fitness|Comments Off on 5 Simple Tips for Staying Healthy over the Holidays
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