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Want to Convert Your Life Insurance to an Annuity? What You Need to Know.

If you're considering converting your life insurance policy to an annuity, several important factors must be considered. Here's a comprehensive guide to help you understand the process and make an informed decision. Imagine this scenario: Tom will retire in a few years. Decades ago, he opened a life insurance policy to provide security for his [...]

2024-07-12T06:51:36-07:00July 11th, 2024|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Want to Convert Your Life Insurance to an Annuity? What You Need to Know.

How Does a Fixed Annuity Work and What Are the Benefits?

Like general annuities, a fixed annuity provides guaranteed income for people heading into retirement. The annuity is also a contract—with variables. And that can make choosing the right one challenging. Take Jackson, for example. He’s in his early fifties. His mother passed away several months ago, leaving him an inheritance. He wants to invest the [...]

2019-02-25T10:16:17-08:00February 25th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on How Does a Fixed Annuity Work and What Are the Benefits?

Income Annuities: A Good Retirement Income Choice?

Income annuities can get complicated. There are different types of annuities with many variables. Additionally, getting one started often requires handing over a large sum of money. If you are close to retirement (or in it), an annuity may be a good fit for reinvesting money tucked away in savings and CDs, mutual funds, 401(k)s [...]

2019-01-24T11:08:59-08:00January 24th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Income Annuities: A Good Retirement Income Choice?

Should You Roll over Your 401(k) When You Retire?

Do you wonder if you should rollover your 401(k)? After all, your last day at work is coming up. You’re dreaming about your new freedoms — like meeting friends for coffee on a Monday ... in your running gear. Over the years, you’ve invested in your 401(k) with the added benefit of your company’s matching [...]

2018-08-20T13:35:31-07:00August 21st, 2018|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Should You Roll over Your 401(k) When You Retire?
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