You usually do not pay a monthly premium for Part A coverage if you or your spouse paid Medicare taxes while working. If you aren’t eligible for premium free Part A, you may be able to pay for Part A if:

1) You’re 65 or older, you have enrolled (or are enrolling) in Part B, and meet citizenship & residency requirements.
2) You’re under 65, disabled, and your premium free Part A coverage ended because you returned to work.

If you are receiving Social Security benefits at the time you enroll in Medicare, your Part B premium will be deducted automatically from your monthly check. Monthly premium is $104.90 (in 2015) for beneficiaries with individual incomes of $85,000 or less.

If you have not begun to receive Social Security yet, you will receive a quarterly bill for your premium, which you can pay several different ways.

If you enroll in a Medicare Advantage Plan, Prescription Drug Plan, or Medicare Supplement Plan: if there is a plan premium, there is a number of different ways you can pay that premium. The different ways to pay your supplemental insurance premium is just one of the many things our Senior Health Specialist will review with you.

Pete Blasi