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A Guide to Rideshare for Seniors: Part 2

Ever need a ride to the grocery store or a doctor appointment but have trouble finding someone to get you where you need to go? This is a problem many seniors face, especially when they no longer feel comfortable behind the wheel. In big cities, taking a cab or public transportation can be a good [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:16-08:00April 8th, 2020|Senior Technology, Senior Travel|Comments Off on A Guide to Rideshare for Seniors: Part 2

A Guide to Rideshare for Seniors: Part 1

Ridesharing, either for local trips or just running errands, is one of the hottest new trends in transportation. Chances are, you’ve probably taken notice. Whether you’ve heard family talking about ridesharing or saw a car with an “Uber” or “Lyft” light in the window, you’ve seen these new companies around. And you’ve probably been wondering [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:17-08:00March 11th, 2020|Senior Technology, Senior Travel|Comments Off on A Guide to Rideshare for Seniors: Part 1

Travel for Retirees: Embrace Your Local Tourist Attractions

  Exploring Local Gems: Uncover the Best Tourist Attractions Right in Your Backyard Summer travel for retirees often requires advanced planning: booking flights, reserving hotel rooms, and buying travel insurance. But if you’re looking for a simple, spontaneous trip, you can play tourist at home! Maybe you’ve not visited the local sites because they are [...]

2024-08-22T11:42:45-07:00July 23rd, 2019|Senior Travel|Comments Off on Travel for Retirees: Embrace Your Local Tourist Attractions
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