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Discover valuable tips and strategies for senior financial planning. From managing healthcare expenses to budgeting for retirement, explore resources that help seniors plan for a secure financial future.

You’ve Unexpectedly Lost Health Insurance: Now What?

The year 2020, although we’re only nine months in, has been consistently inconsistent. Nearly every aspect of our daily lives has changed. And for many of us, it seems the effects—including lost health insurance—will be long lasting. The economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has weighed heavily on older Americans. There are currently 5 million [...]

2023-12-02T12:14:46-08:00September 23rd, 2020|senior financial planning|Comments Off on You’ve Unexpectedly Lost Health Insurance: Now What?

This is What You Need to Know About Estate Planning During COVID-19

As the coronavirus continues to be an issue, more seniors are thinking about end-of-life plans and their estate planning. If this is the situation you find yourself in, there are some steps you can take to get started. Step #1: Know the estate planning terminology There are quite a few buzzwords related to estate planning. [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:12-08:00July 13th, 2020|senior financial planning|Comments Off on This is What You Need to Know About Estate Planning During COVID-19

Preparing for the Future: Financial Security After Your Spouse Passes

Do you have a plan in place to provide for the needs of your spouse? Many people don’t financially prepare for the future—especially when it involves the passing of a spouse—and understanding why is easy. Confronting the unavoidable reality of mortality isn’t pleasant. You’ve been saving for retirement your whole life, and every conversation has [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:14-08:00June 4th, 2020|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Preparing for the Future: Financial Security After Your Spouse Passes

Senior Financial Planning and Estate Planning: What to do During Times of Uncertainty

Senior financial planning and estate planning is a meticulously thought out course of action to ensure you enjoy the best possible retirement. Although time-consuming and sometimes painstaking, making these plans and successfully executing them is a rewarding process. But what happens when we face the unthinkable? We’re talking about the COVID-19 pandemic. This worldwide disruption [...]

2023-12-02T12:16:15-08:00May 12th, 2020|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Senior Financial Planning and Estate Planning: What to do During Times of Uncertainty

Final Expense Insurance: Is It Right for You?

Final expense insurance is an option you may consider as you organize your retirement details. In the event of your death, having a plan in place can help family members take care of your funeral and related expenses—without financial stress.  But where do you start? There are many options to cover end-of-life costs. Additionally, talking [...]

2019-06-25T17:04:25-07:00June 25th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Final Expense Insurance: Is It Right for You?

Long-Term Care Insurance: 3 Common Misconceptions

Like any insurance plan, long-term care insurance provides financial relief when you need it most. However, long-term care insurance is expensive. Given the expense, people put off buying a long-term care (LTC) policy or even making a plan for their future care needs. But if they do need it (and the odds are higher as [...]

2019-05-13T14:06:56-07:00May 13th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Long-Term Care Insurance: 3 Common Misconceptions

Your Term Life Insurance Is Expiring. Now What?

Your term life insurance is about to expire, you’re retiring, and the kids are gone. This is a good time to determine your insurance needs and weigh your options. Here’s how to choose the best course of action for your ending-soon term life policy. Start with these 3 questions: 1. Do loved ones need your [...]

2019-04-15T15:06:05-07:00April 15th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Your Term Life Insurance Is Expiring. Now What?

How Does a Fixed Annuity Work and What Are the Benefits?

Like general annuities, a fixed annuity provides guaranteed income for people heading into retirement. The annuity is also a contract—with variables. And that can make choosing the right one challenging. Take Jackson, for example. He’s in his early fifties. His mother passed away several months ago, leaving him an inheritance. He wants to invest the [...]

2019-02-25T10:16:17-08:00February 25th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on How Does a Fixed Annuity Work and What Are the Benefits?

What You Need to Know about Working after Retirement

These days, many seniors are working after retirement. They continue to work and collect social security benefits, often as a means of earning extra income or staying active and engaged in a working community. While continuing to work has benefits, there are earning limitations that may affect your social security benefits. Before getting that new [...]

2019-02-25T09:40:46-08:00February 25th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on What You Need to Know about Working after Retirement

Income Annuities: A Good Retirement Income Choice?

Income annuities can get complicated. There are different types of annuities with many variables. Additionally, getting one started often requires handing over a large sum of money. If you are close to retirement (or in it), an annuity may be a good fit for reinvesting money tucked away in savings and CDs, mutual funds, 401(k)s [...]

2019-01-24T11:08:59-08:00January 24th, 2019|senior financial planning|Comments Off on Income Annuities: A Good Retirement Income Choice?
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