Can You or a Loved One Benefit from Adult Daycare Services?
Would you benefit from social interaction during the daytime hours? Do you have an aging loved one that needs consistent companionship while you are at work? Both seniors and their caregivers find adult daycare is an ideal way to receive part-time care without compromising freedom. Is adult daycare the right fit for you at this stage of your retirement?
What is Adult Daycare?
Adult daycare services are offered throughout the week, approximately during business hours, though many centers offer weekend programs as well. Seniors arrive and partake in a community breakfast and lunch, participate in craft projects, embark on planned outings and enjoy music, exercise classes and social interaction throughout the day. For adults with specific medical needs, there are opportunities for therapy treatments and professionals on call for all emergencies.
Benefits to Participants and Caregivers
In many cases, seniors decide to move to a full-time facility because their needs are not being met in their solo living situation. Even if a caregiver is available each day and night, they may crave a feeling of community and the opportunity to bond with others their age. Adult daycare is a perfect way to meet this need without requiring the senior to uproot their entire life – they can visit for however many hours per day and however many days per week they prefer.
When seniors feel safe in a homelike, welcoming atmosphere where they can receive the social interaction and mental stimulation vital to human function, they are motivated to maintain their schedule and stay active during their later years.
Additionally, adult daycare provides caregivers the peace of mind that their loved one is enjoying their life while the caregiver continues with their work schedule or takes a day off from full-time involvement with the senior’s needs. Even if an aging adult does not require constant supervision, caregivers may have feelings of guilt if they are not able to fully entertain and enrich their loved one’s life. In this case, adult daycare services may be the answer.
Choosing an Adult Daycare Center
The first question to ask any potential adult daycare center is whether they are licensed and insured, per state requirements. While all states have varying laws governing both private and public adult daycare centers, it’s important to know if they carry the appropriate certification for the services they advertise.
You should also ask what types of activities are offered to make sure you or your loved one’s interests line up with the center’s focus. Ask about transportation – does the center provide bus or van services? How many staff members are employed per patient and what medical credentials do they hold?
Finally, the deciding factor may be the overall cost. Depending on the location, the center may offer sliding scale rates based on assets or take a number of insurance plans. Make sure to visit each adult daycare center in person before committing and closely review all paperwork involved.
Are you interested in finding out if your current private or government-sponsored health insurance plan provides adult daycare coverage? Contact My Senior Health Plan to explore your options for insurance-based financial assistance, such as long-term care insurance and more.
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